While They Are Very Young

One of the things I enjoy about families who work with me on an ongoing basis to tell their story visually is having a general feel for a family's dynamic prior to the session. With these guys, I know I'll have relaxed parents and chatty boys. I know I need to have a plan to both keep the boys busy and get their attention. I know we will laugh. I know we will move fast. And I know the end result will be updated portraits that reflect love and joy and contentment. The boys grow taller and have more words, and while I already know what love looks like on the faces of this family from prior years, I'm always excited to see the evolving expressions of that love that shows with new photographs. While these boys are very young, their parents are giving the the gift of a firm foundation rooted in the good stuff of life. And that photographs beautifully.



A two-year-old photo session on a beach with a little guy who I met on his birthday last year? What could be more perfect? Well, Bowen is going to be a big brother in a few months, and his grandparents were along for the ride. He thought the beach was delightful. I know this because he laughed every time his grandpa poured bucket after bucket of sand into a castle. He stomped his feet in the water and threw stones to watch them ripple (so long as mama's hand was reachable). I love the intensity in this toddler's eyes. Seeing the way he reached for hugs and kisses made everyone smile, repeatedly. When he noticed balloons nearby being strung for a birthday party, Bowen started to shout, "happy, happy." And that's the word to summarize these photographs: happy indeed.


Love Looks Like

When we started planning this session, the main idea was space for a busy two-year-old to do his thing. I've spent a good bit of time lately considering what I want the end goal of my family sessions to be. I want to capture photographs that communicate, "see, this is what you look like when you love each other." When I photograph a child, I want his parents to see those looks he makes in this stage in life when he sings that song or, in this case, roars like a tiger and march-march-marches away. The passing of time means expressions evolve, change and fade, and a photograph allows a permanent pause. These photos, I hope, show this both what love looks like on this family and who little Teddy is right now. I see joy, intensity and exuberance in his big blue eyes. Speaking of eyes, aren't his striking? I had a hard time narrowing photos to blog and am happy to share this set. I love that the day of this session was a bright spring day. It so complimented the feel of these interactions.


One Fella & Three Little Ladies

Becoming a parent means signing up for the biggest adventure of your life, for the rest of your life. When these guys decided to have a second baby, they found out second baby also meant third and fourth too... Triplet girls arrived four months ago. That's a whole lot of adventure all at once. I have a few other triplet families, and my friend and wedding business partner Christina is a triplet mom, so I've been fortunate to know multiple multiples families. That said, it takes mega-doses of courage, grace and determination to welcome three babies all at once, and Amanda and Tigh live those attributes. Their girls are beautiful, and their little man is busy and kind. Their hands are full, and their cup runneth over. When the aforementioned Christina asked me if I wanted to join her when she photographed this session, I had no idea I'd get to meet such an incredibly inspiring couple. I won't say they make raising four little ones two and under look super easy, but they do make it look super full of love. Just a few photos from a perfect spring morning in the Woodlands...


April Bumps Bring May...

...babies? Isn't that how the saying goes? No? In all seriousness, few things bring me greater joy than getting to follow a family from pregnancy to new addition to babyhood and as childhood takes off. I did a bump session before this little Lauren's arrival. Now Lauren is about to become a big sister, and she has lots of personality and a vibrancy about her that is sure to equip her for the task. She turned two this week, and in a few short weeks, her little brother will arrive. I love how expressive she was in this session. It didn't take long for her to warm up to Miss Erin, and then it was a full throttle, good-stuff-of-life running, laughing, dancing, hugging, playing and go, go, going session. All that, and we managed a few great bump shots of her mama too. Cannot wait to meet the new addition in a few weeks.


"See You Next Soon..."

Alex shouted, "see you next soon," when I left their house last night; I had to drop by. It had been a few days since their session, and I guess he wanted to be sure there'd be a next time, and soon. Over time a tremendous thing happens in client relationships; babies I photographed brand new become into precocious little boys. As I watch those little boys grow up through my lens, it just so happens that they start to remember me. They start to tell me their stories and ask about my day. As much as I want to draw them out and make them laugh, they seem intent on getting me to laugh as well. They may not be the easiest ages for a low-key photo session, but they are delightful ages nonetheless. Alex and Sam are 2 and 4, and I've known them their whole lives. That I have been their photographer the whole time makes every session that much more meaningful to me. Their mom has become a friend.

I really love the feel of these photos- that the boys' eyes have light and laughter in them, that Leigh Ann looks happy and warm, that affection is woven throughout. These photos illustrate who they are at their core, and it's beautiful to see. Love photographs well.


Just the Boys

They're adding a sister to the mix this summer, so their parents wanted to capture a few "boys being boys" photos of their sons before the new baby arrives. If you give a pair of little boys open space and ask for silly faces, muscles, hugs, kisses and jokes, the end result will be a robust set of images that shows lots of personality and the obvious adoration the two have for each other. I wanted to share a quick sneak peek here and cannot wait to share the full gallery with their mom and dad soon.


Bluebonnet Baby and Her Bashful Brother Too

This year's first set of mini-sessions took place last Saturday, and this sweet little miss needed six-month photos. She proudly showed off her sitting-up skills while her big brother mostly ran away from the camera. Mini-sessions are quick, and I love the way the concentrated time always ends up being sufficient to capture real smiles and genuine personality. It was so fun to meet these two, and I can't wait until next time. Having the bluebonnets appear the morning of the session (literally... I had just checked the spot a couple of days before to be sure it was green enough... no bluebonnets then) added the feeling of Texas springtime to this set of images. I couldn't help but share a mini-session sized preview; these two are so adorable!


So Beautiful, Real Life

When we decided to book this session during the golden hour that happens just before sunset, I wasn't sure how two toddlers would do. I've worked with these guys for a few years, though, and knew we'd manage to get at least a handful of beautiful images, even if we had to work a little bit to keep the little ones engaged. I needn't have worried. It was a near-perfect evening, with a little chatterbox and a giggly baby brother, a silly daddy and a relaxed mama. I love a family just being during a portrait session. It is not difficult to show what someone looks like, but when a family really shows up, the images take on a deeper meaning and illustrate the story of who they are. I think these photographs do just that, and I love them. I see warmth and beauty and deep, compelling love... so much love. This is real life for this family, and it inspires me. Getting to see that makes thankful for the families who keep coming back when it's time to update their photographs.


Introducing Cole

When we did maternity photos before Cole was born, his family didn't know he was a boy. Cole arrived and surprised them; they'd suspected he was a girl. Cole, though, is a perfect fit in his family. A second little boy is exactly who they needed. This was a sweet newborn session, one that was straightforward and simple. The baby ate and slept. His brother napped until the end. Everyone was relaxed and happy to be doting on this tiny man who'd joined their family the week before. My favorite moment of the session occurred when we put the two boys on the couch together. Tell your brother a secret, I urged Beckett, who was lying on his stomach looking at the baby. "I love you," he whispered, kissing him on the forehead. His parents just beamed as their older son expressed his heart to the younger. When I started editing this set of images, those photos stood out. I like to think years from now that story will be told and retold whenever Cole's newborn photos are revisited. It's the good stuff of real life, and it's a huge piece of why I view my job as a privilege. So grateful to have spent a few hours celebrating baby Cole. I'm excited to share a few of his photographs here.


Introducing Bennett {Raleigh Newborn Photographer}

My longed for nephew Bennett Michael arrived a few weeks ago, and I am thankful that I was able to go to Raleigh and capture a handful of newborn images. They'll be in Dallas later this week, so these photos are just the start of the collection of photographs that will tell the story of this sweet little man. His big brother and sister think he's something amazing, and Bennett thinks he'd like to get a bit more sleep, I think... He's a treasure of a baby, wanting snuggles and love, and he's most content in his mama's arms. Thankfully, he's happy to be passed around a bit too. I'm amazed at the grace my sister shows as a mama, and I'm so excited for she and Brian. They have an adventure ahead of them with these three amazings they've been entrusted with. Bennett is already adored by all his aunties and uncles, and we are so blessed to have this wee man to call ours.


A Moose Hunt Two Years in the Making

It's hard to believe this little girl is two. A few weeks ago, I did some running photos of Nadine and her mom as a personal project, and those are some of my favorite photos I've taken to date. When we planned for Nadine's birthday set, we wanted to round out all the fantastic images of Nadine and her mom with some great photographs with her dad. I love how clearly their love and affection comes through in this set. At the beginning of the session, Nadine was a bit distracted, as two-year-olds are prone to be, so her mom made mention of seeing a "moose". Moose don't run around in Oak Cliff, but Nadine spent the duration of the session moose hunting, and that worked out well for capturing her personality and some family photos that look like exactly who these guys are, and by that I mean personality in addition to appearance. Nadine is lively and silly and conversational and inquisitive. I so enjoy knowing this kid and think this is a perfect two-year set for one sweet girl. I'm excited to share this blog.


The Whole Family, Finally

When we did Brendan's newborn session, his big sister was globetrotting, so we planned a second session to capture some photographs with the whole family. Then we had weather and sickness and more weather and more sickness. It took a few months, but we finally gathered to do a photo session with the whole family. I love seeing how big baby Brendan has gotten and how doted on he is. This is a lovely family with a sweetness about their relationships. Everyone showed up with their best selves. Sweet Isobel is such a confident beauty, and she's taken to the role of big sister like a pro. I am so enjoying documenting this family's story. Previous sessions can be viewed here and here.


Yay, Runner!

I met Donna at a party a few years back, before Nadine was born, and both being runners, conversation gravitated in that direction. When Nadine was born, I started photographing their family. We talked running every time I did photos, and at Nadine's first birthday session, we decided to go for a run together. Little did I know that decision would lead to a friendship that challenged me to improve as a runner, helped me complete my first marathon and familiarized me with the neighborhood I now call home. I am so grateful that Donna and her family have become such a big part of my life in Dallas. These photos had been in my head for months, but the busyness of fall holiday portraits pushed them back to this month. We scheduled them for a Thursday afternoon and hoped for the best weather-wise. I was really wanting the silhouettes, but I love that we had enough light to capture Donna and Nadine doing their thing. Occasionally Nadine accompanies us on easy running days, and she chirps, "yay, runner!" encouragements from her stroller throughout the run. I look at these photos and hear her words, and I'm so glad we were able to create these photographs before Nadine outgrows that toddler voice and chicken-arms run. Because I know these two, I think I can safely say these photos are so them. Now I kinda wish we could do another set with Nadine's daddy in the mix, but we'll have to save those photos for another day. For now, here are some favorites, shot on the levee in our neighborhood.

And if you're trying to decide how to do a photo session that is really reflective of who you are as a family, choosing a thing that you do together on any given weekend day is a great place to start. It doesn't have to be formal and posed. Sessions like this capture the essence of being together in a compelling way. Figuring out what that looks like for your crew leads to photographs that reflect not only how you look but a glimpse into your identity as well. I love that.


Not Magic But Magical

I envisioned several of these images in my head when I planned this session and hoped for the kind of magic light that makes a session that much better. And then this family showed up and let their little man run and shout and have opinions. Promises of ice cream led to a boy who looked me in the eye and gave me his best, and all the while his mom and dad (and soon-to-arrive-sibling) just kept smiling and laughing. Confession: there was also occasional reminding for a certain little boy that it would be helpful if he kept participating and stayed engaged. We got to the end of the session, and I knew. I knew we'd had a few moments that were genuine and real and lovely and that showed this family of soon-to-be-four as they are. And who they are looked great with the magic light, but it's not just the magic light that I love . It feels magical. All that love that lights up the eyes on one small boy's face? Soon it will be multiplied. I can hardly wait to photograph the continuing story. Love these photographs.


Introducing Ellie

Her parents didn't know they were having a girl until Ellie's birthday, and that made four girls in their brood of five. Solo brother informed me he was glad he'd get to keep his own room. All four older siblings were completely enchanted with their tiny sister who was equal parts feisty and sweet at her newborn session. This is a family I've known for years, and it was beautiful to watch little hands hold their tiny sister. For a house with so many, the atmosphere remained calm and quiet. Ellie snuggled into each pair of arms. She cuddled into the swaddle I wrapped her in for her individual photos. And she made every person in the room smile that smile that comes with the contentment of meeting a newborn family member. "Finally," the whole house seemed bursting to say, "finally, she is here."


Knock-Knock Jokes and a Brown Sports Coat

This session was a Christmas gift, and I love when dads come up with the idea of updating photos. It seems like that task typically falls to moms. We decided to do low-key around the Bishop Arts District, and the boys told me knock-knock jokes and gave me deadpan faces when I attempted mine. I've done photos for this family since big brother Henry was a newborn, and that continuity added to my excitement about taking these photographs. It is such a pleasure when I get to interact with families who decide to truly be themselves at a session and let the kids do their thing. The boys were rockstars, and I felt like I caught glimpses of who they will grow up to be. By the time they shouted their thank yous as we headed to our respective vehicles at the end of our time, shy Simon threw up his hand for a high five. I am grateful I get to be the one to do this work-that-feels-like-play to tell the story of a family on a Sunday afternoon in a fun Dallas neighborhood.


One Big Happy...

When Bethany contacted me about photographing her husband's extended family over the holidays, I was one part excited and one part apprehensive. This is a family I've known for over twenty years, on the one hand. On the other hand, seven kids, eight and under? Therein lies the apprehension. I need not have been nervous. Every child not only participated but cooperated. We had a beautiful day and a big yard and the exuberance of all the cousins together to compose elements of the session. I love how laid back everyone was, how big the little ones smiled and how I can look at these photographs and see both family resemblance and individuality. I hope I captured not just an updated "everybody all together" photograph but also a bit of the kindness, respect and love that are evident in the combination of relationships that create this family.



This crew lives in separate cities and visited Dallas over the holidays. We met up to get some photographs of everyone all together, and of course, the little guy was the star of the show. Watching an extended family enjoy the life and light a small child brings allowed me to see a freshness and joy on the faces of all involved. I liked hearing memories and stories as we did the session. When clients share a bit of who they are it consistently makes me feel grateful that I get to be a part of helping capture their story visually. In a few years there may be new partners and children; there will certainly be new adventures and life change. Over Christmas in 2013, though, a spread-out family gathered and took a bit of time within that gathering to preserve a memory of who they are right now. The end result? The unique beauty of one family doing their thing. I am excited to share a sneak peek.


Look What Santa Brought!

So much sweetness at this newborn session that I don't quite know what to say. Twin baby girls just a week old who were snuggled up and sleepy and content for the entire time I was doing their photos? I wouldn't have dared hope for such easy going babies. Newborns can be challenging, and it's always amazing to photograph them. That said, having two so cooperative to work with was so lovely. Their big brother was proud and doting. His grandma took him to school once we finished photos with him and the girls (I'd done his individual portraits in November). We did these photos before Christmas, and I'm excited to finally be back to blogging after the haze of the holidays! Cannot wait to see how these little peanuts (both were just over 5 pounds) grow and change between now and our next session!
