Big Brother Cooper!

Shelly and Justin were early wedding clients who have become really good friends, and when Cooper was born two years ago, I photographed his birth and newborn session. I've documented this family as thoroughly as any family I work with, and it was so fun to do gender reveal photos for Cooper's coming-soon sibling at his two-year session. Baby Riley will arrive in June, and I'll be there to capture her first photos. I also work with Shelly at Thirty & West, an online clothing boutique that is in development. This session reminded me of what I love about the Poe family: Shelly and Justin are kind and patient as parents, attentive and authentic as a couple. Cooper adores his mom and dad. He wasn't too sure about Miss Erin at this particular session, but he was super enthusiastic when Justin threw him in the air. So we did that, on repeat and as a means of convincing him to allow me to do some other photos as well. It was a fast-paced and fun evening, and it made me excited for all that is to come for the Poes. Riley will be a blessed little girl to be born into so much love.


My Beautiful Aussie Friends

In December I had the privilege of hosting my friends Kate and Steve and their dynamic duo at the beginning of their Stateside vacation. They airbnb'd a place in my neighborhood. We spent the better part of their time in Dallas drinking our way through coffee shops and exploring here and there. I met Kate years ago at a photo workshop, and while we were fast friends, I don't think either of us realized just how good of friends we'd become through the years. We've been through ups and downs together, and Skype and FaceTime alongside of the occasional visit have gifted me one of my dearest friends. Those occasional visits have made Steve and the kids dear to me as well. We took about fifteen minutes to take a few photos on the next to last evening of their time with me. I think we captured a good bit of beautiful for such a short time. We also captured a good bit of inside joke expressions, and how said expressions came to be, I'll never tell. Looking at these photos makes me miss my friends. They're some of the best people I know.


Boys Will Be...

...boys. These boys, how I loved their big movements and brotherly buddy-hood and beautiful lives. We moved through their session with a light drizzle and loads of laughter. I think the best family sessions are the ones that are candid and casual, with affection doled out in ways that are genuine to participants. That was exactly how this session flowed, and it was a privilege to see. I am excited to share a few photos today and cannot wait until it's time to update their photos. The fun we had while capturing the beauty that is theirs makes me want to do it all over again. I hope these photographs remind them of the goodness of everyday love as a way of a being a cohesive (and fantastically fun) family, because that's what I see when I look back over this collection. And that makes me smile.


Little Ladies in Red

With family photo sessions, it's the ways people interact and look when they're at their best that compels me to do this job. I love seeing the expressions on little faces and hearing the laughter that ensues as we pursue some glimpses at real life. This session felt so special, because they'd never had family photos done- not even wedding photos. I loved getting to bear witness to the goodness that is uniquely theirs. These three little ladies in red are treasures, and I loved getting to see that. The twins are doted on by all, and their big sister simply shines. We didn't do a whole lot of posing or setting up shots. Everyone just did their thing as a family, and I got to photograph just what that looks like. Those tend to be the very best sessions. I hope I get to continue to witness and document these beautiful lives.


Little Ladies in Red

With family photo sessions, it's the ways people interact and look when they're at their best that compels me to do this job. I love seeing the expressions on little faces and hearing the laughter that ensues as we pursue some glimpses at real life. This session felt so special, because they'd never had family photos done- not even wedding photos. I loved getting to bear witness to the goodness that is uniquely theirs. These three little ladies in red are treasures, and I loved getting to see that. The twins are doted on by all, and their big sister simply shines. We didn't do a whole lot of posing or setting up shots. Everyone just did their thing as a family, and I got to photograph just what that looks like. Those tend to be the very best sessions. I hope I get to continue to witness and document these beautiful lives.


They Just Go Together

I grew up with Cory, and Jenny is one of those wonderfully warm people who puts you right at ease, so it's always fun to do their photos. We met at a park just down the street from their house, and it was Piper's debut in a family photo session. I love the way the older two dote on her. Smiles come easy, and time passes quickly with this crew. The just go together, and it shows. I'm grateful I'm getting to document the life of my friends.


Introducing Haley

Before the launch of my wedding partnership, Honey and Salt, I photographed a few weddings every year. Jennifer and Andrew's was one of those weddings. When I heard they were expecting, I was excited to meet their new addition once she arrived. On the morning of her session, her grandma and great-grandma joined in celebrating this precious and beautiful girl, and it reminded me of her parents' wedding day. The women in Haley's life are women who show up and help each other out, and they are utterly taken with Haley. Taking some generations photos alongside of immediate family photos was so special. Haley spent most of the session chill and wide-eyed. She didn't want to miss a thing. Her long eyelashes and crazy head of hair are adorably newborn perfection, but the way she is cared for and loved is what I am most excited about sharing. You can see the excitement and joy over this little life all through the session. I look forward to seeing how such a foundation shapes her life as she grows up.



This sweet session made me smile from beginning to end. Blogging the session reminds me of just how compelling it is to meet families who are good at loving each other well and honoring who one another is. The unique expression of that love and honor in this family was siblings who interacted as friends and parents who let them be themselves. There's that and then there's the smiles that start in the eyes and reveal deep dimples, showcasing joy and contentment, beauty and wonder. It was tough to narrow a sneak peek from this session. That's a good problem.


A Good Story

Just before Christmas, I got to hang out with this lovely family for an afternoon of running around and telling stories. These guys haven't lived in Dallas very long, so we discussed the city's offerings, comparing and contrasting it with their native San Francisco. I hope that Texas offers them as many adventures and warm memories as California, because when I meet a family whose interactions are kind and conversational, I hope for the very best for them. I think these photos tell a good story about a beautiful family, and I'm thankful I got to tell it.


Troublemaker and Company

For Ledger's first birthday, his mama booked some photos and bought him my favorite t-shirt ever for a busy little fella. We kicked off the session with a few studio shots before heading outdoors to catch the sunset. His grandparents met up with us there, and we captured some lovely moments. It was so fun to meet this family and help commemorate this sweet time. The last photo was one of my favorite captures from 2014. He looks like baby Peter Pan!


These Boys

Baby Evan is the same age as Nicholas was when I first did photos for these guys, and I love seeing their similarities and differences. Nicholas has really come into his own in the past year, not only as a big brother, but as a toddler who is figuring out how to transition to being a big kid. He wants to do things for himself and has opinions about what he does and doesn't want. Seeing that emerge in a little boy lets me catch glimpses of who he is becoming. Evan is calm and cheerful and content to watch his big brother play. He was in that wide-eyed wonder phase of babyhood that makes the world seem new when you watched his delight at leaves falling or birds soaring overhead. He had belly laughs for Mom and Dad and shy smiles for me. I treasure the opportunity to tell the ongoing story of a family. Each time I am with this crew I witness goodness and love and wonder that looks as beautiful and unique to them as they are as individuals and as a family.


On Family and Mini-Sessions

Once kids are beyond the phase where they seem to be changing- and wildly- every few days and then weeks and eventually months, some families find that booking an annual full session is more than they need. I love when families continue to prioritize family photos by booking a mini-session for the years when a full session is not required or budget constraints make a shorter session sensible. These thirty minute sessions go by quickly, but they flow well, particularly with families who are are exiting the baby/toddler phase. They're also great for solo photos to update a toddler's growth for particularly busy little ones. This beautiful crew met me in November for a mini-session in Highland Park, and I love that their session showcases just how much variety is possible in thirty minutes. The girls were so fun and sweet to each other, and everyone brought their very best selves to the session. I am so thankful I'm getting to watch these girls grow up through my lens. They're perfect mini-session clients.

I'm currently booking a limited number of anytime mini-sessions (I used to only offer them semi-annually), and if this type of session would be a fit for your family, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Sunny Sunday Morning

It rained on Jenny and Joey's wedding day... and engagement session before that and Ellie's newborn session after that. We were all excited, therefore, when we looked at the forecast for their photos this fall and finally saw sunshine on the horizon. I loved seeing how Ellie has grown and meeting baby Rhett. Getting to watch a couple whose wedding I photographed transition to parenthood and raising a family was so incredible for me. This was a low-key session, with the pace largely set by the little ones, and I'm glad we were able to capture such sweet moments. Having two tinies makes life a little hectic at times, but the morning of our session was calm. I love Rhett's crazy hair and Ellie's coy smile. It was one of those mornings I would have been happy to stay out in the sun with my friends and their babies, because the day was just full of sweetness.


All the Things I Love...

From the moment these boys answered the door when I arrived at their photo shoot, I experienced fullness of life paired with contentment from being together. We took these photos in November, and looking back over them tonight made me recall the boys excitedly chirping while Mom and Dad filled me in on details of the life and times of their favorite two little guys. It's the only session where I've had a kid recite the periodic table of elements without batting an eye. We read books. We see-sawed. Jokes were told. Secrets were exchanged. All of the things I love about photographing a family were represented at this session. We had real moments and genuine connection. I witnessed laughter and love and busy boys and attentive parents. I caught a glimpse of the magic that is uniquely the Baker family's, and in taking their photos I got to bottle some of that magic up in the form of photographs. I hope they provoke memories of any given Sunday during this fleeting season of childhood as these boys grow up. I hope they show them to their children and tell the stories of their boyhoods. Reviewing the gallery to make selections for the blog made me want to say thank you to this family for letting me witness the good stuff of their life. It truly is a privilege. It makes me excited for the stories to be told in 2015.


The Page They Were On

I'm never opposed to an afternoon at the lake, and neither were these guys. While I've photographed the littles before, it was the first time we've done family photos. It was a tag team parenting approach to keep up with two busy toddlers, and we stayed busy for the whole session. A certain young man was inclined to run, run, run, while his baby sister was newer in her walking skills. We mostly just let the kids set the pace, and the end results were a selection of photographs that illustrate what's beautiful about each individual as well as the whole family. It's fun to look at these now, a couple of months later, knowing that in the time that has passed since these session, each of these kiddos has continued to come into their own. It makes me excited for next time as well as thankful that we got to document the page they were on in the fall. They change so fast...


Shy No More

When I met Sophia, she was just a baby, and our annual photo dates have been marked by coaxing a quiet, shy little miss out of her shell. This year, I loved that Sophia's shyness has fallen to the wayside. As she's grown up, she's come into her own confidence and sense of self. It's a privilege to watch a child change like that. It's not that she wasn't a lovely little girl in previous years; she was. It's just that this year I got to see a clearer picture of who she is. She is enthusiastic, silly and friendly. Because she's gotten older and we've built some rapport, this particular session was particularly fun for me to shoot. You can see the love and life in these photos, and I am happy to get to share them.


A Hand to Hold

I started conversing with this family about photos last spring, but we never got our schedules to match up. I was excited to finally meet Miss Claire this fall, and she ran and giggled her way through this session, provided she had a hand to hold. I love the way littles draw confidence and comfort from contact with their parents. Claire may not have been too sure about the whole photography gig, but she was just so cute in her unsureness. It's was so fun to send out this gallery, because we got so many wonderful expressions from a hesitant (and at times determinedly so) little girl. Seeing her personality emerge as the session went is one of the things that I love about this work. I really want to see who a child and her family is, not just what they look like, and as she became more comfortable I was able to capture just that. I cannot wait to see how she grows and changes in the coming year.


Dumpster Diving

It's a privilege when friends and neighbors choose me to do their photos, so I loved meeting these guys at White Rock Lake this fall. Aedan is the kind of kid who takes a few minutes to warm up; he's observant and quiet and takes everything in before giving his all (not unlike me, so I appreciate that). Who'd have thought that finding an empty dumpster left open by a construction crew would be the ticket to chatter and smiles from this little guy? We got kicked out of said dumpster, but it broke the ice. It was a really fun session. This was the windiest morning, and no one complained. There was joking and laughter and easy interactions. That trio is my favorite for capturing a family, and I'm so happy to be sharing a sampling of this year's photos of my friends. Revisiting them made me smile.


Elle's One-Year Photos

What's not to love about a baby in Burberry? I hadn't seen Miss Elle since her newborn photos, and it was so fun to see her interact with her mom and dad. More important than great fashion sense was Elle's contented little self, as long as Mom and Dad stayed close by. While I was unsuccessful at making their wee girl laugh, she had big belly laughs for them. We had a perfect day at the lake for our session, and looking back at these photos makes me so grateful for beautiful families who allow me to see the way they love one another. I can't wait for two-year photos!


Paint the (Cow)town

Because Dallas is where I live, my clients tend to be on the Dallas side of the DFW area. The Redding crew hails from Fort Worth, so their annual session typically takes me west. This year we opted to use the newly updated Sundance Square, exploring in and around downtown as we went. I loved the change of pace. We had plenty of friendly banter illustrative of love and fondness and kids-who-are-mostly-friends whose parents still flirt with each other. I love this collection. We worried that we'd get rained out that day, and I'm so glad we weren't, because this session makes me smile. I'm grateful that I've gotten to know this family through the years, because they are engaging and warm. It's always a blast to work with them.
