Introducing Mae

Mae belongs to some dear family friends, and I was most grateful for the opportunity to take her newborn photos. Mae seemed inclined to mostly sleep through her session, though she definitely wanted to take a few snack breaks. She reminds me of her sister when she was a newborn; the two look quite alike. Said big sister stepped into her older sibling role with grace and poise. She was quick to remind me, "Mae is our baby." I think she's learned in just a few days of being a sister that newborn babies who snuggle into your arms and settle in to sleep are hard to put down. It's so sweet to watch a family expand to include a new addition, and Mae's family has done that beautifully. I'm excited for this sweet girl. I can't wait to see who she becomes. Her parents are two of the most incredibly gracious and kind people I know, and Mae is blessed to be born into a family who treasures and dreams big for their daughters. Just a few photos from her session...
