Savannah is 1!

For Savannah's one-year photos, she came to the studio. From the get-go it was obvious Savannah's first choice for in-studio activities was running back and forth. She ran and ran and ran some more. I love her sweet spirit and zeal for life. She didn't seem phased by the fact that I, a new adult, was there and kept shifting her back to where the light was best. She just wanted to keep moving, and enthusiastically. When we pulled her big brother in for a few photographs, I loved his expressions and toddler conversation skills. The two were less interested in interacting with each other than with me, but I thought that made for some really fun shots, true to life with a pair of littles so young. It was a great way to spend the morning, and it made me excited to do family photos for this crew later in the fall. A quick sneak peek here, and if you're interested in a studio session, I have limited availability remaining for September and some openings in October and November. I'd love to hear from you!
