These Boys

Baby Evan is the same age as Nicholas was when I first did photos for these guys, and I love seeing their similarities and differences. Nicholas has really come into his own in the past year, not only as a big brother, but as a toddler who is figuring out how to transition to being a big kid. He wants to do things for himself and has opinions about what he does and doesn't want. Seeing that emerge in a little boy lets me catch glimpses of who he is becoming. Evan is calm and cheerful and content to watch his big brother play. He was in that wide-eyed wonder phase of babyhood that makes the world seem new when you watched his delight at leaves falling or birds soaring overhead. He had belly laughs for Mom and Dad and shy smiles for me. I treasure the opportunity to tell the ongoing story of a family. Each time I am with this crew I witness goodness and love and wonder that looks as beautiful and unique to them as they are as individuals and as a family.
