Knock-Knock Jokes and a Brown Sports Coat

This session was a Christmas gift, and I love when dads come up with the idea of updating photos. It seems like that task typically falls to moms. We decided to do low-key around the Bishop Arts District, and the boys told me knock-knock jokes and gave me deadpan faces when I attempted mine. I've done photos for this family since big brother Henry was a newborn, and that continuity added to my excitement about taking these photographs. It is such a pleasure when I get to interact with families who decide to truly be themselves at a session and let the kids do their thing. The boys were rockstars, and I felt like I caught glimpses of who they will grow up to be. By the time they shouted their thank yous as we headed to our respective vehicles at the end of our time, shy Simon threw up his hand for a high five. I am grateful I get to be the one to do this work-that-feels-like-play to tell the story of a family on a Sunday afternoon in a fun Dallas neighborhood.
