When Photos Become Love Letters

The moment my nephew was born last July I stood mesmerized, and to borrow a line from Bono, his first cry was a joyful noise. I had the privilege of witnessing most of Jameson's first year as an in-town auntie, and watching him grow and change from newborn to baby to toddler, somehow in the span of no time at all, helped me see all the good stuff in life. Unsurprisingly, my sister and her husband took to parenting with confidence and ease. I got to see that too.

Meghan and I always thought we'd welcome babies around the same time; that wasn't meant to be. Her precious boy, though, taught me to allow myself the grief of the motherhood I might not experience while celebrating the joy of this wee baby who won my heart from the get-go. I didn't know how redemptive his presence would be, nor did I know how much I needed tangible redemption. When we decided to move I was sad about leaving our families and saddest about losing the privilege of being a week-by-week witness to Jameson becoming himself.

I'd meant to blog his birth photos, his newborn photos, photos through the year... And somehow I never got around to it. I love that now that I finally pulled photographs I have a collection of his story through his first year, mostly in horizontal black and white for cohesion's sake (along with a very important post-birthday diptych). I've always loved documenting an ongoing story most, and this year-in-the-life makes my heart explode. These photographs, they are my love letter, not just to Jameson but to myself and to my family. He is ours, for keeps.


Riley's First 24

Few captures rival photographs from the first day's of a baby's life. I've been working with Shelly and Justin since before they were married, so getting to document the arrival of their second born was so special. I got to show up not only as a photographer but also as a friend. Seeing the first time Dad held his daughter and Cooper realized he was a big brother made my eyes water, and watching the natural way Shelly transitioned from mom of one to mom of two inspired me. The love in this family multiplied right in front of my camera lens. I don't have a lot of words to describe this type of session; the photos tell the whole story. I'll just say if you're interested in having these types of photos made when your baby arrives, I'd love to hear from you. A first 24 or 48 session allows you the opportunity to have permanent visual reminders of one of the most incredible times in your life.


Happy Birthday, Evangeline!

On Friday, October 24, I messaged Evangeline's mama and said I hoped she was doing well as she neared her due date. Not an hour later her daddy texted to say they thought the baby was coming that day. As the day progressed labor slowed, so I didn't hear back until evening when I received a "it's time" text. Two years ago on Christmas Day I photographed the arrival of Evie's big sister, and she arrived so fast that I hurried to the birth center. Evie decided on a slower pace, though, so it wasn't until the wee hours of October 25 that her mama delivered her into her daddy's hands. Beautiful and healthy and with lungs ready to go, Evie captured her parents' hearts immediately, and I am so grateful I got to witness the miracle of new life. She is a perfect fit in her family, and these photos don't do justice to the warmth and love that filled the room.


Happy Birthday, August!

August Emanuel arrived on December 8 at 1:27 pm, weighing in at 9 pounds, 3 ounces. Dallas was a sheet of ice, and his mama texted me from Austin at around 9 am that she thought it was time. I don't normally take birth clients in Austin, but Augie's parents are friends. We did the same song and dance just two years ago for his brother Beau's birth. Beau, also a December baby, didn't arrive in the middle of an ice storm. I made it to Beau's birth. I didn't make it to Augie's. I hopped on a plane as soon as Erika texted, and I arrived just as Augie went to the nursery for his newborn exam and bath. The first thing I noticed about Augie was the way his dad couldn't take his eyes off of him. The second thing I noticed was what a chunky little man he was. I shot photographs throughout the rest of the day and a few the next day as well, and of this tiny-but-not-tiny newborn, I'll say this, he fits right into the family to which he was gifted. His brothers doted on him from the moment they met him. His parents' arms were well prepared to receive a third beautiful boy. His grandparent's beamed and then beamed some more. And Augie, in typical newborn form, mostly slept through it all. I stare at these photos and see the miracle of birth and the wonder of love and the joy of new life, and I am both honored and mesmerized that I got to be there.

Augie is already growing and changing, but these photographs mean we stopped, time, at least visually. I am thankful I got to be the one to capture these images, even though I missed the actual birth. So much goodness to behold here...


Happy Birthday, Luke! {Dallas Birth Photographer}

On Sunday, April 14, Luke made his way earthside. The miracle of new life humbled and awed everyone involved. His mama amazed me, and his dad and big brothers were so proud. It is such an honor to witness a birth, and these photographs illustrate everything about why I love doing what I do. If you are interested in having your birth photographed, please do not hesitate to contact me!

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