His Name is Freddy; We Call Him Froo

I don't know why we call him Froo but soft launching my way into sharing some favorite recent work with my nephew Freddy's newborn photos. I knew Debo and Tyler were going to be incredible parents when they told us they were expecting, but there's a difference between knowing and KNOWING. From the moment I arrived at their house, the sense of calm and normalcy would have made you think they'd had a baby for years. Their awe and wonder at their little man were present, for sure, but their transition into parenthood wasn't even a blip on the radar. They took to parenting their kiddo with ease. I'm drawn to the bath time photos at the end of this post, because I think they capture both the tenderness of new parents and the confidence with which Debo and Tyler chose to operate out of as new parents.

And little Freddy? Well, he captured the hearts of everyone who walked through the door. He belonged and belongs in this family. He snuggled in and watched with wide-eyes and let us love him. Going back and looking at these newborn photos makes me so excited to watch him grow and change and become. He's just right. Babies are the best idea. These photos make me anticipate 2018 sessions!

Dallas peeps, I'll be booking a handful of sessions in the spring, summer and fall. Connecticut friends, I'm booking a handful of sessions each month, so if you or someone you know is interested in photos, please reach out.
