August: A Continuance in Paying Attention

The rhythm of a daily photo has benefited and challenged me. It awakens my creativity, but more importantly, it causes me to pay attention. Every day. To life happening. I'd forgotten the importance, in our (my!!) social media inundated world, of looking around, of stopping, of seeing, of noticing and of choosing to be present. For me, a daily photo invites me to be constantly interested in my own life and the lives of those around me. It's become a valuable personal project.

This month included trips to the lake and a Cape Cod visit. It included many days at home, in the summer lull before work picks up. The goodness was as present in the mundane as it was in the extraordinary, and for that I am grateful. 

August 1: Nieces visiting made for some laughter filled days in our very crowded apartment.

August 1: Nieces visiting made for some laughter filled days in our very crowded apartment.

August 2: Mornings.

August 2: Mornings.

August 3: Lake days mean seeing this sight, time and again, and it never gets old. Ever.

August 3: Lake days mean seeing this sight, time and again, and it never gets old. Ever.

August 4: Multi-tasking. I turned to see Ann pushing Emory while reading and snapped this photo, laughing.

August 4: Multi-tasking. I turned to see Ann pushing Emory while reading and snapped this photo, laughing.

August 5: Proud uncle and Papa watching our niece ski. 

August 5: Proud uncle and Papa watching our niece ski. 

August 6: To quote my sister-in-law, "I'm not sure there's anything cuter than a hamster eating."

August 6: To quote my sister-in-law, "I'm not sure there's anything cuter than a hamster eating."

August 7: I stood with my dear friends Rob and Jenna as they baptized their children and became Blythe's godmother. 

August 7: I stood with my dear friends Rob and Jenna as they baptized their children and became Blythe's godmother. 

August 8: Afternoons.

August 8: Afternoons.

August 9: A senior portrait session for a young lady I've known since she was born. I hadn't seen Emma in several years and was amazed at the beautiful, poised woman she's becoming

August 9: A senior portrait session for a young lady I've known since she was born. I hadn't seen Emma in several years and was amazed at the beautiful, poised woman she's becoming

August 10: Uncle duties, as supervised by Jax.

August 10: Uncle duties, as supervised by Jax.

August 11: I'd follow him anywhere.

August 11: I'd follow him anywhere.

August 12: Family gatherings mean Rosie and Nana Joanie hangs.

August 12: Family gatherings mean Rosie and Nana Joanie hangs.

August 13: My sweet honey Bea is growing up. Bridget and Bea visited for a long weekend, and this girl has my heart.

August 13: My sweet honey Bea is growing up. Bridget and Bea visited for a long weekend, and this girl has my heart.

August 14: Cousins. Cuties. I die.

August 14: Cousins. Cuties. I die.

August 15: How to kick off a photo session with your favorite triplets.

August 15: How to kick off a photo session with your favorite triplets.

August 16: Making wishes. Christina, my friend and partner at Honey and Salt, and the triplets came to the lake for an overnight.

August 16: Making wishes. Christina, my friend and partner at Honey and Salt, and the triplets came to the lake for an overnight.

August 17: It seems like I've taken this photo of Darby many times with many children in the cabin, but this one with Quinn is a favorite.

August 17: It seems like I've taken this photo of Darby many times with many children in the cabin, but this one with Quinn is a favorite.

August 18: Downpour from under the carport.

August 18: Downpour from under the carport.

August 19: Catnap.

August 19: Catnap.

August 20: Catnap.

August 20: Catnap.

August 21: Sunday Funday, Jameson edition.

August 21: Sunday Funday, Jameson edition.

August 22: We'd just arrived on Cape Cod, and while we were thrilled to be there, we were also hangry.

August 22: We'd just arrived on Cape Cod, and while we were thrilled to be there, we were also hangry.

August 23: A morning walk at high tide.

August 23: A morning walk at high tide.

August 24: Blue.

August 24: Blue.

August 25: "The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea." -Isak Dinesen 

August 25: "The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea." -Isak Dinesen

August 26: Same beach, similar shot, different companion. Truly a gift to have a surprise visit. In ten years of photo taking, there are few I've taken that I love as much as this one.

August 26: Same beach, similar shot, different companion. Truly a gift to have a surprise visit. In ten years of photo taking, there are few I've taken that I love as much as this one.

August 27: Six years ago in October I photographed their parents wedding. We met on the beach for some sunset pictures and then had ice cream, and now the girls are asking if they can play with me when they go to the park. This is my favorite part o…

August 27: Six years ago in October I photographed their parents wedding. We met on the beach for some sunset pictures and then had ice cream, and now the girls are asking if they can play with me when they go to the park. This is my favorite part of my job: seeing families grow and change over time. 

August 28: Magic light and end of summer meet.

August 28: Magic light and end of summer meet.

August 29: Lunch with my cousin Patrick on my last full day in Massachusetts.

August 29: Lunch with my cousin Patrick on my last full day in Massachusetts.

August 30: Goodbye Cape Cod escape.

August 30: Goodbye Cape Cod escape.

August 31: Nothing like a thank you note from a recent bride and groom to ease me back into work.

August 31: Nothing like a thank you note from a recent bride and groom to ease me back into work.