The Raleigh Extension

Most of the Blinns live in Texas, and those who don't give me excuses to explore other parts of the country in work-play mixes. I love that my job has given me the ability to work where the people I love are. A wedding and some photo sessions meant I got to spend a few days with my sister and her crew. This trip allowed me to capture each of the kids exactly as they are, personality-wise, so these photographs make me smile.


Sweet T

Don't you just want to kiss this sweet baby's cheeks? And her eyes? So beautiful! Teagan's parents opted to have her session on the grounds of their church. They met and married there. They'd never had photos done, so we took our time, chatting and passing the baby around. Tegan is as loved as a baby girl can be, and her calm, laid back little self took to photos wonderfully. I'm excited to share this set, the first of my North Carolina sessions from the end of May.


One Fella & Three Little Ladies

Becoming a parent means signing up for the biggest adventure of your life, for the rest of your life. When these guys decided to have a second baby, they found out second baby also meant third and fourth too... Triplet girls arrived four months ago. That's a whole lot of adventure all at once. I have a few other triplet families, and my friend and wedding business partner Christina is a triplet mom, so I've been fortunate to know multiple multiples families. That said, it takes mega-doses of courage, grace and determination to welcome three babies all at once, and Amanda and Tigh live those attributes. Their girls are beautiful, and their little man is busy and kind. Their hands are full, and their cup runneth over. When the aforementioned Christina asked me if I wanted to join her when she photographed this session, I had no idea I'd get to meet such an incredibly inspiring couple. I won't say they make raising four little ones two and under look super easy, but they do make it look super full of love. Just a few photos from a perfect spring morning in the Woodlands...


Four Frames in a Row

I cannot believe how much baby Kendall has changed in just a few short months. Her first session was sweet as can be, and this follow up mini-session let me see a happy-go-lucky, busy and gregarious girl. The photos I selected to blog are four frames taken in succession, and I love the expressive delight shown here. Mini-sessions don't give the same variety as a full session, but they most certainly provide ample time to illustrate just who a little girl is becoming, and that's just what happened here.


Bluebonnet Baby and Her Bashful Brother Too

This year's first set of mini-sessions took place last Saturday, and this sweet little miss needed six-month photos. She proudly showed off her sitting-up skills while her big brother mostly ran away from the camera. Mini-sessions are quick, and I love the way the concentrated time always ends up being sufficient to capture real smiles and genuine personality. It was so fun to meet these two, and I can't wait until next time. Having the bluebonnets appear the morning of the session (literally... I had just checked the spot a couple of days before to be sure it was green enough... no bluebonnets then) added the feeling of Texas springtime to this set of images. I couldn't help but share a mini-session sized preview; these two are so adorable!


So Beautiful, Real Life

When we decided to book this session during the golden hour that happens just before sunset, I wasn't sure how two toddlers would do. I've worked with these guys for a few years, though, and knew we'd manage to get at least a handful of beautiful images, even if we had to work a little bit to keep the little ones engaged. I needn't have worried. It was a near-perfect evening, with a little chatterbox and a giggly baby brother, a silly daddy and a relaxed mama. I love a family just being during a portrait session. It is not difficult to show what someone looks like, but when a family really shows up, the images take on a deeper meaning and illustrate the story of who they are. I think these photographs do just that, and I love them. I see warmth and beauty and deep, compelling love... so much love. This is real life for this family, and it inspires me. Getting to see that makes thankful for the families who keep coming back when it's time to update their photographs.


Introducing Bennett {Raleigh Newborn Photographer}

My longed for nephew Bennett Michael arrived a few weeks ago, and I am thankful that I was able to go to Raleigh and capture a handful of newborn images. They'll be in Dallas later this week, so these photos are just the start of the collection of photographs that will tell the story of this sweet little man. His big brother and sister think he's something amazing, and Bennett thinks he'd like to get a bit more sleep, I think... He's a treasure of a baby, wanting snuggles and love, and he's most content in his mama's arms. Thankfully, he's happy to be passed around a bit too. I'm amazed at the grace my sister shows as a mama, and I'm so excited for she and Brian. They have an adventure ahead of them with these three amazings they've been entrusted with. Bennett is already adored by all his aunties and uncles, and we are so blessed to have this wee man to call ours.


Landon Love! {Delaware Baby Photographer}

Landon was born on the same day as Harper, whose blog I posted yesterday, and his daddy serves in the Air Force as well. This little love was all smiles and eager to be in front of the camera. A rainy, cold afternoon couldn't keep us from lots of belly laughs and sweet moments with his mom and dad. It was a low-key, fun-filled session that went by all too quickly, and I am excited to share Landon's blog. He is one of the happiest babies I've ever met! I am so grateful I got to work with a couple of military families on my recent trip to Delaware and am already planning a return trip.


Here's Harper! {Delaware Baby Photographer}

When I went to visit my newborn niece in Delaware, I had the privilege of meeting a couple of her baby buddies whose daddies serve alongside my brother in the Air Force. Harper turned 7-months-old on the day I met her, and she showed off her brand new sitting and clapping skills all while sizing me up. Harper is one of those babies who makes you work for a smile, but her disposition is sunny, inquisitive and sweet, and I loved that at the end of the session she reached for me when I asked if I could hold her for a minute. Because let's just be honest here: a huge part of what I enjoy about my job is getting to love on sweet babies. For this set, we explored the house and picked fun favorites from her wardrobe and wished her daddy was home for some family photos. In the end we got a great collection of photographs, and now I can't wait to watch this tiny girl grow.


Introducing Georgia Suzanne {Delaware Newborn Photographer}

On February 6, Georgia Suzanne arrived, making me an auntie for the second time. She lives in Delaware, where my brother serves in the Air Force, so I planned a trip as quickly as I could. Trying to find the words to express the joy I felt when I met this little peach is difficult. Her disposition is quiet, peaceful and sweet. Georgia cries when she's hungry and sleeps easily, and she is every bit as heavenly as a newborn could possibly be. I cannot wait to see who she becomes as she grows, but at the moment I want to relish her newness. New life brings a freshness and delight to a family, and ours is delighted to welcome this much-anticipated little girl. Seeing Jaybo and Kendall step into their roles as parents is so fun to watch, and I know they will do an incredible job caring for their daughter. I love her so much, and while I'm not sure these photographs express the fullness of my heart in regards to this baby, I'm excited to share them nonetheless.


The Whole Family, Finally

When we did Brendan's newborn session, his big sister was globetrotting, so we planned a second session to capture some photographs with the whole family. Then we had weather and sickness and more weather and more sickness. It took a few months, but we finally gathered to do a photo session with the whole family. I love seeing how big baby Brendan has gotten and how doted on he is. This is a lovely family with a sweetness about their relationships. Everyone showed up with their best selves. Sweet Isobel is such a confident beauty, and she's taken to the role of big sister like a pro. I am so enjoying documenting this family's story. Previous sessions can be viewed here and here.


Darling Emmaline

Bad weather prevented Emmaline's parents and I from connecting for a maternity session not once but three times. Ultimately, I never got to photograph Emmaline as a baby bump. When I met her last week at ten-days-old, she slept. And slept. And slept. And ate a little then slept some more. It's hard work being not yet two-weeks-old, and Emmaline opted to get her beauty rest throughout her first photo session. And what a beauty she is, with her yummy cheeks and fuzzy baby hair. Her mom and grandma and I chatted easily during the session, talking about the miracle of a newborn and the wonder a baby brings to a family. I loved the details that were set out to be used in the photos, vintage yet fresh. It was tough to narrow selections to share for the blog, but I am excited to share a handful of photos from this tiny girl's newborn session. As I post these I am already excited for six-month photos!


Introducing Ellie

Her parents didn't know they were having a girl until Ellie's birthday, and that made four girls in their brood of five. Solo brother informed me he was glad he'd get to keep his own room. All four older siblings were completely enchanted with their tiny sister who was equal parts feisty and sweet at her newborn session. This is a family I've known for years, and it was beautiful to watch little hands hold their tiny sister. For a house with so many, the atmosphere remained calm and quiet. Ellie snuggled into each pair of arms. She cuddled into the swaddle I wrapped her in for her individual photos. And she made every person in the room smile that smile that comes with the contentment of meeting a newborn family member. "Finally," the whole house seemed bursting to say, "finally, she is here."


One Big Happy...

When Bethany contacted me about photographing her husband's extended family over the holidays, I was one part excited and one part apprehensive. This is a family I've known for over twenty years, on the one hand. On the other hand, seven kids, eight and under? Therein lies the apprehension. I need not have been nervous. Every child not only participated but cooperated. We had a beautiful day and a big yard and the exuberance of all the cousins together to compose elements of the session. I love how laid back everyone was, how big the little ones smiled and how I can look at these photographs and see both family resemblance and individuality. I hope I captured not just an updated "everybody all together" photograph but also a bit of the kindness, respect and love that are evident in the combination of relationships that create this family.


Look What Santa Brought!

So much sweetness at this newborn session that I don't quite know what to say. Twin baby girls just a week old who were snuggled up and sleepy and content for the entire time I was doing their photos? I wouldn't have dared hope for such easy going babies. Newborns can be challenging, and it's always amazing to photograph them. That said, having two so cooperative to work with was so lovely. Their big brother was proud and doting. His grandma took him to school once we finished photos with him and the girls (I'd done his individual portraits in November). We did these photos before Christmas, and I'm excited to finally be back to blogging after the haze of the holidays! Cannot wait to see how these little peanuts (both were just over 5 pounds) grow and change between now and our next session!


Happy Birthday, August!

August Emanuel arrived on December 8 at 1:27 pm, weighing in at 9 pounds, 3 ounces. Dallas was a sheet of ice, and his mama texted me from Austin at around 9 am that she thought it was time. I don't normally take birth clients in Austin, but Augie's parents are friends. We did the same song and dance just two years ago for his brother Beau's birth. Beau, also a December baby, didn't arrive in the middle of an ice storm. I made it to Beau's birth. I didn't make it to Augie's. I hopped on a plane as soon as Erika texted, and I arrived just as Augie went to the nursery for his newborn exam and bath. The first thing I noticed about Augie was the way his dad couldn't take his eyes off of him. The second thing I noticed was what a chunky little man he was. I shot photographs throughout the rest of the day and a few the next day as well, and of this tiny-but-not-tiny newborn, I'll say this, he fits right into the family to which he was gifted. His brothers doted on him from the moment they met him. His parents' arms were well prepared to receive a third beautiful boy. His grandparent's beamed and then beamed some more. And Augie, in typical newborn form, mostly slept through it all. I stare at these photos and see the miracle of birth and the wonder of love and the joy of new life, and I am both honored and mesmerized that I got to be there.

Augie is already growing and changing, but these photographs mean we stopped, time, at least visually. I am thankful I got to be the one to capture these images, even though I missed the actual birth. So much goodness to behold here...


Introducing Elle

Just a few weeks ago, I met Elle's mom at White Rock Lake for maternity photos, and on Wednesday I got to meet one-week-old Elle. I'm not typically a Saturday night blogger, but with all this ice and cold, it seems like some photographs to warm the heart are fitting. How sweet is this little one? And isn't the obvious adoration her parents have for her stunning? Elle snuggled and slept and was oh-so-chill throughout her newborn photos. I didn't hear her cry once. Every newborn reminds me of what a gift life is, and I love looking through these photographs and seeing the start of a lifetime of stories wrapped in just over six pounds of tiny baby wonder. It's a pleasure to share these photos, and I am excited to watch this little one grow.


A Session 21 Years in the Making

So these guys are like-family friends (for 21+ years!), and when they realized everyone would be in town for Thanksgiving, they asked me if I'd do a session. I'll be honest. Extended family sessions can be challenging, so I say yes to them cautiously. This session, though, makes me think maybe I should rethink that. We had so much fun! Everyone was laid back and happy, and no one got stressed out, not even for a moment. Instead time was spent hugging littles and passing the baby. The cousins were so excited to be together, and the time passed fast. This mix of photographs represents everything I love about this family. They love each other and take care of one another and don't spend a lot of time on insignificant details. The five kiddos growing up surrounded by this set of adults have the benefit of a family secure in their identities as individuals and corporately, and that is truly a gift to give the younger set. They feel safe and free, and they are encouraged to be themselves. It's evident on each little face. I could go on and on, but let me just say this: I really love seeing families loving each other. It never gets old.


Wherein the Shy Boy Came Alive

It's been almost five years of photographing this beautiful family. This session was fun and busy and chaotic, as is typically the case with three little ones. I have lots of similar memories from previous sessions. What will stand out about this session, though, is that it's the session where shy J.T., age 3, came out of his shell a bit and gave me real smiles and smirks. His zany older brother is always ready for photographs, and his younger sister really wasn't too sure about me this go 'round. But J.T.? He came alive. I also love how everyone looks like they go together the way a family does when they keep choosing each other. Love always wins. It's not always easy to show up at a photo shoot with three little ones ready to go, but somehow these guys have managed to do just that for their baby who became a toddler and then a kindergartener and the little brother and sister that followed. They've invested in capturing fleeting moments, and their children will benefit from a visual inheritance of who they are becoming through the years. I believe it's worth it. They'll be able to see what love looks like now, then.


Oh, K!

Sweet Baby K made my day with her big smiles, and oh my goodness, her eyes shine so bright. She seemed so happy to be passed between her mom and dad and found their antics quite entertaining when it was time for her solo photographs. I love seeing how a baby brings out the best in her parents, and that was the case at this session. This mom and dad are so in love with their baby girl, and that love looks good on everyone. So enjoyed a cold, beautiful Bishop Arts shoot with this crew.
